Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast! I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forbears. In this podcast I discuss prepping, homesteading, and everything in between.

Today I’m going to be giving you 5 tips on how to homestead from anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you live in a skyrise apartment in the city, you can still do basic fundamental homestead things to bring you back to our ancestral roots.

Not only do you return to your roots, but you gain self sufficiency skills that are priceless and can be passed down to your children. I am a strong believer that you don’t need land to homestead, despite the popular belief that you do.

If you find yourself wanting to learn more about how to homestead from anywhere, I just launched a Homestead Handbook that is filled with ideas to jumpstart you on your homestead journey.

I understand it can be overwhelming, so that’s why I took the time to craft the handbook I wish I had when I was living in the city and wanting to venture into homesteading. The Homestead handbook will be in the notes in the description. 

Let’s get started!

How do you garden in an apartment? How do you garden from anywhere?

Let’s talk about gardening and how you truly can do it from anywhere. Gardening is a cornerstone of self-sufficiency, woven into the fabric of homesteading. It serves as a fundamental practice, allowing individuals to take control of their food production and reduce dependency on external sources.

Cultivating a garden provides a direct connection to the land, fostering a profound understanding of the seasons, soil, and the life cycles of plants. The ability to grow your fruits, vegetables, and herbs not only ensures a fresh and diverse harvest but also empowers homesteaders to make conscious choices about the quality and sustainability of their food.

Beyond nourishing the body, gardening becomes a therapeutic and meditative endeavor, promoting a harmonious relationship with nature. In the context of homesteading, gardening is not merely a practical skill; it is a transformative journey that encapsulates the ethos of self-sufficiency and a commitment to a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life.

The best part is you don’t need land to start a garden! You can learn to maximize the space you have. If you live in a smaller space or want to more efficiently use your space, container gardening is a good option.

How do you container garden? How do you vertical garden?

Container gardening is just that - you purchase containers from a local store like a wooden barrel or plastic plant container and plant some plants in them to adorn around your space. When it comes to vertical gardening, certain plants thrive in these upward structures. Consider vining plants like beans, peas, and cucumbers that can climb, utilizing the vertical space efficiently.

Compact and trailing herbs like thyme, oregano, and sage also work well. You could have a kitchen herb garden right out on your deck or patio by having a container garden. For flowers, go for petunias, nasturtiums, or pansies, adding color and vibrancy to your vertical garden.

So picture a container that utilizes space that isn’t being utilized right now and is growing enough tomatoes for you and your family to enjoy homemade spaghetti sauce for the summer. You could have a vertical strawberry garden that is filled to the brim with strawberries that are vining everywhere and producing fruit.

Strawberries are perennial too, so they come back each year. Set up your strawberry vertical garden, and you’re good to go!

Next year I plan to utilize more vertical gardening in my garden for berries because I love that the space is occupied vertically instead of taking up a bunch of space on the ground.

Where is the best place to have a garden?

Some things to consider when gardening are soil and container choices. Ensure your containers have proper drainage to prevent water-logging, and use a high-quality potting mix with added organic matter.

Consider the micro-climates of your vertical garden; place sun-loving plants on top where they can soak up the rays, and shade-tolerant ones lower down. Container gardening is an art form that transforms small spaces into flourishing havens. Just give it a try, and see how you like it.

Tip 2: Aquaponics Systems - Crafting a Sustainable Ecosystem

Moving on to aquaponics, let's delve into the details of setting up this harmonious system. The first step is creating a balanced ecosystem, starting with a fish tank. Tilapia and trout are popular choices for their resilience and suitability to the aquaponic environment. Choose a tank size that accommodates your chosen fish species.

How do you setup aquaponics?

Once your fish tank is established, connect it to grow beds filled with a suitable medium like gravel or expanded clay pellets. The fish waste provides essential nutrients to the plants, and as the plants absorb these nutrients, they filter the water, creating a symbiotic relationship. Monitor water pH, ammonia, and nitrate levels regularly to ensure a healthy system.

Aquaponics is not just a setup; it's a dynamic living system that requires careful attention and balance.

I don’t have aquaponics here on my homestead, but I did research and look into it for a while because I thought it would be a neat system to have. I went over to a neighbor’s house last year who had an aquaponics setup in their living room and they had all kinds of vegetables and herbs growing in the middle of winter. You could make this system as big or small as you want, so it is a viable option for any kind of homesteader.

Tip 3: Learning to Cook from Scratch - Unleashing Culinary Creativity

Now, let's venture into the heart of the homestead - the kitchen. Cooking from scratch involves mastering various techniques, and it all begins with understanding your ingredients.

Dive into the world of sourdough starters for artisanal bread, experiment with fermenting vegetables for added health benefits, and explore the art of canning and preserving to extend the lifespan of your harvest.

How do you bake and cook from scratch?

Acquiring basic culinary skills is crucial. Learn to chop, dice, and mince with precision. Grasp the nuances of flavor combinations and cooking methods. By cooking from scratch, you not only control the quality of your food but also reduce reliance on processed items. It's a journey that transforms your kitchen into a culinary sanctuary.

You don’t have to be a professional to start cooking from scratch. All you have to do is start. I used to cook along with my dad growing up, but I fell into the trap of convenience when I moved away from home and had to relearn the basics back a few years ago.

You will have some failed dishes, but don’t let that discourage. Just figure out if the recipe you used was a dud or if you have to change the baking time, ingredients, or spices. Overtime, you will learn how to make any recipe work. For example, I know how dough should feel in any recipe I am using so I can adjust the flour and water to get the perfect dough consistency.

Seriously, you won’t regret learning how to bake and cook from scratch. These skills can be passed down, will save your health, and are beneficial to being prepared. Anyone can learn how to homestead and it truly starts in your kitchen. Now, let’s venture outside to a homestead activity that most anyone can do.

Tip 4: Rainwater Harvesting - Capturing Nature's Nectar

Rainwater harvesting is a vital practice for any homesteader, and setting up a system involves strategic planning.

Have you ever thought how water just falls from the sky?

Pretty neat, especially if you learn how to harvest it for yourself to water your garden or to have for an emergency. First, start by assessing your roof's surface area and installing gutters to collect rainwater. Direct the flow into storage containers like barrels or tanks, ensuring they are positioned on stable ground.

Filter the collected rainwater to remove debris and contaminants. Use a first flush diverter to discard the initial runoff, which may carry pollutants. To increase storage capacity, consider connecting multiple containers in a series. Implementing an overflow system prevents water-logging and potential damage to your setup. Rainwater harvesting isn't just about collecting water; it's a sustainable approach that conserves a precious resource.

Truly, it sounds a little daunting and intricate, but once you get the parts and set it up, you will see how easy it is and how useful it is. Let’s dive into my

Tip 5: Sourcing Food Locally - Building Community Connections

Finally, let's explore the art of sourcing food locally. It's not just about convenience; it's about building relationships with local producers. Farmer's markets offer an array of fresh, seasonal produce, often cultivated using sustainable practices.

Joining a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program allows you to receive a regular share of the harvest from local farmers. All of this will foster a sense of community and you will meet other like-minded individuals which I have found to be an important aspect of homesteading.

You can also connect with neighboring farmers through community events, and explore cooperative ventures. It's a symbiotic relationship that enhances the variety on your plate while strengthening the bonds within your local food ecosystem.

Seriously, you will meet someone at a farmer’s market who does something you want to learn more about and maybe they offer workshops or you could use the barter system and trade them for something you make or a skill you have. You will be surprised at what doors open.

And there you have it - an in-depth exploration of "Homesteading Anywhere: In-Depth Guidance on Nurturing Self-Sufficiency with 5 Essential Tips." From container gardening to aquaponics, cooking from scratch, rainwater harvesting, and sourcing food locally, these tips are your roadmap to a more self-sufficient and homesteading life, no matter where you call home. 

Thank you for joining us on this homesteading journey. Until next time, happy homesteading!

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