Hey friends! Welcome back to the Gubba podcast, I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forebears. In this podcast, I talk about homesteading, prepping, and everything in between.

Today we have a special guest, Matt who is the founder of Cultivate Elevate, a company dedicated to promoting natural health solutions, ancient healing remedies, and holistic well-being.

He is a passionate advocate for questioning mainstream narratives, researching hidden truths, and uncovering suppressed knowledge about health, history, and technology. Through his platform, Matt shares insights on topics like nutrient-dense superfoods, frequency-based healing, weather modification, and the deeper influences shaping our world. His mission is to empower individuals with knowledge that reconnects them to nature and helps them break free from systems designed to limit true wellness and awareness.

Just like me, he has been repeatedly censored, but he has some good advice to anyone who is seeking to better themselves and leave this system. He was just recently on the Wise Traditions podcast discussing climate change, peanut and copper.

Fascinating episode, you should definitely check it out.

If you are curious about chemtrails? How to make sourdough bread? How to nourish yourself best through a healthy pregnancy?

The Wise Traditions podcast, from the Weston A. Price Foundation, covers these topics and many more! It's about how we can live more ancestrally in our modern world. Good health doesn't come from a pill, prescription, program, or physician. It comes in ancestral health ways. Check out the Wise Traditions podcast on your favorite podcast platform. I think you'll love it as much as I do and will find many topics that align with what Matt and I discuss today, so let's dive in!

Hey, Matt. Thank you so much for joining us today here on the Gubba podcast.
Thank you for having me on.

I'm happy to talk about some fun topics today.

Yes, me too.

Your content is filled with fun topics. So it was honestly really difficult to just narrow down a conversation for today of what we're going to be talking about because I feel like you cover so many interesting topics that people are waking up to.

And to dive right in, I feel like our listeners are on this personal journey to escape the matrix.

I refer to the matrix as the system, like this conglomerate of the healthcare system, the school system, the financial system. And I share my journey of how I was able to see past this facade, wake up to the matrix.

What was your wake-up moment to the matrix where you realized that this reality that we're living isn't quite what we've been told?

This went back probably about 2014, 2015. This was when all the weather nonsense was first beginning, you know, all these strange weather events. And in Chicago, there was a storm called derecho. And it flooded everything within about 24 hours, and then it went away. And I sat and thought, wait, I've never seen this before. And the media Muppets were saying that this was a new term. And we have these new types of storms, and we have to get used to them. And I sat there and thought, this doesn't make any sense. I've never seen this. And this was when I was in the gym world. And I was in my 20s.

And they were telling me that this was something new. And I sat there and thought, okay, well, I'm going to investigate. So I started looking into the weather modification patents, the Weather Modification Act of 1976, all these weird things. And I started finding three-letter agencies, which were augmenting the weather and causing all these different weather events. And then I started finding that there were government policies put in place for them to do this. And they were paying millions of dollars to change the weather. And so once that kind of Then I started studying the Federal Reserve.

I started looking into Deborah Tavares and StopTheCrime.net. I started going through all these rabbit holes, because I realized if I'm being lied to on one, I'm probably being lied to on everything else. And then through that, because we all live through 2020, where we are all lied to millions of times, I've started to realize that pretty much everything we've been told is the opposite or a lie. And we should ask questions. And that's what it's made me have, an open mind on anything. No matter what I've been told or sold, I've realized I can have an open mind and see it from a different side and ask, why am I being told that I need to do X, Y, and Z? And that goes with the climate thing, where they try to push this whole climate change narrative nonsense. And it's like, but they're changing the climate. So shouldn't we be aware of what is actually taking place? And if it goes horribly wrong, like what happened in Dubai when they flooded the whole town? So just questions to ask on it.

How did your family and friends react when you started talking about the weather or you started talking about the Federal Reserve?

So I've always been kind of out of the box and go against the grain. I really have never gone with the grain. So I think that that's kind of just what it's been. And I've told my family all the things that I've looked into and whatever. And if they take it with a grain of salt, then they take it with a grain of salt. But even with friends, I've had friends who were like, even during the 2020 situation, they were like, oh, that can't be. This is all safe. Wi-Fi is safe. All these devices are safe. And I sat there and thought, dude, you could just look at the testing. It's tested on a plastic dummy to say that it's safe. So through this whole thing, when you wake up through the nonsense, you meet a lot of people like yourself and other people who all are on the same wavelength. And I've started to realize that you will encounter more and more and more of those people. And there will be people who just kind of NPCs. There's non-playable characters in our realm. And they're kind of floating around with us. And they're just engaged with us. And that's just part of this life experience. And I've realized they might have their awakening one day, or maybe they don't. And they just exist within the realm. And it's just kind of, at first, when I was getting into this, and I'm sure it's happened to you, when I was getting into this, I was telling everybody. I'm just like, I would walk into the grocery store. I'd tell them they're spraying the skies. I don't even know, whatever. But now I've started to learn if people want to learn about it or talk about this topic, then we can talk about it. Because otherwise, sometimes even trying to push it onto people, people aren't at the wavelength to kind of be ready to talk about that. Because it's a lot.

Because I realized that when you're talking about these topics, you're breaking people's paradigm, or their bubbles, or their reality. And that can be a lot. Like to take in, wait a minute, the weather has been augmented since the 1800s. That's a lot to take in at once. So I've kind of just taken it day by day. And at first, I used to just go at people like that. Now I'm just kind of more chalant about it.

What would your advice be? So someone comes to you and they're like, hey, I want to wake up from the matrix. Where would you point them to look? Where would you even start looking with all of these things?

So there's four great books to start with. I mean, the most important things to kind of look into are the stuff about our germs jumping all over, you know, technology and the Federal Reserve. I think those are three great topics. So people can look into the book The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Collin so they can understand that germs are not jumping all over and they don't have to be in fear of that. Next, they can look into the book The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg. It's a great book about technology, outbreaks, technology outbreaks, pandemics, and all that nonsense. And then you also have all the work of Eustace Mullins, his Murder by Injection, which is a phenomenal one, so you can understand the monopolies that are existing all around us at all times. And then also the book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

Those four books will change your life forever because that's the thing I've started to realize—that there are certain books out there that are just kind of like the stepping stone to unlocking your mind. As you kind of see through one, then you kind of see, OK, well, they're trying to do the bird flu, money flu, pig flu of 1976. Again, they're trying to do this. You can see through it and then advise other people or inform other people that they're just lying to us. We don't have to hurt our chickens and we don't have to do anything like that.
So I think those are four great ones to start with and they will just change your mind forever. That's the best way to describe it. I mean, those ones really unveiled a lot with health and money and everything that we're surrounded by and the lies we've been sold.

So you're telling me they will start with those books, then eventually they're going to land on Tartaria, the Oregon Trail, the underground tubes?

It's a big gateway, right? A big tunnel system. It pretty much will.

Yeah, it'll start to lead you down different things.

And another thing people can do is they can look at different search engines like Yandex or Presearch, even DuckDuckGo, you know, different search engines because Google will censor a lot of this. And Google has fine-tuned it down to even one letter. So if you type one letter wrong, like let's say Tartaria, like you said, and you put it with a Y or I or a different letter, you won't even find it. And this is how crazy like search engines have changed in such a short amount of time where people are searching, let's say like weather modification, and they can't find anything because Google will block it.

Yet if you go to Yandex, you type in the same thing, you get a thousand search results and all these websites you've never seen before. So, you know, when people are searching, you should be aware of what you're searching on because a lot of these platforms are skewed to not give you the information that you're looking for.

That is so true. And I feel like Google is the go-to. And what's interesting, that's always told me where I can find some truth. If something is being censored, now I'm like, there's going to be some truth there. Like, why are they shutting that down? We should be able to make choices for ourselves, but they don't want us to. So with all of this information that you have had this awakening for what the past 10 years now, how would you say that your daily life has changed?

Well, I mean, it's really, it's, it's waking me up to a lot of things. I mean, it led me down the electroculture journey, which is what kind of started everything, you know, the understanding of the gigantic foods and everything we can do with copper and things. It's really just led me down different rabbit holes to kind of like relieve stress. And I know that sounds crazy because if you found out the truth, you would sit there and think, well, that's going to make you more stressed. Well, actually you start to learn that there's counters and solutions to everything. And that's where I started to realize that we can counter all of these things and it comes with knowledge and awareness. So it's really changed my way of looking at things because I sat there and thought, okay, well, if you're going to mess with the weather, then I'm going to make some cloud busters. I'm going to look into the work of Trevor James Constable. I'm going to start doing the theory of weather engineering on my own, on my land, and I can counter what you're doing up in the sky.

So it really started to make me realize that there are solutions for everything. And then we don't have to sit in fear because as a collective, when we are all awake and aware of the nonsense that's taking place, things change, you know, and that's where I think the coolest part of this is that we have the platforms now, like me and you just speaking and being able to meet and speak and all of these things. We have platforms now to connect unlike back in the day. So people are aware with the newspaper and that only came out from two different sources and that's it. So nobody could see another side. And this has kind of led to all this information coming out the land of information because now, you know, people can share the message all over the world. And this is the beauty. You cannot censor the truth. That's for sure. And that's what it's kind of been me realizing in the last 10 years. And only more and more people are going to be coming forward towards the truth because of this, because people are kind of sick of it and you can tell.

Yeah, you absolutely can tell. I feel like there was a huge awakening, especially in 2020 with people staying past the matrix, this facade that we're talking about and being like, Hey, I'm sick of living like this. I'm sick of being sick. I'm sick of being lied to. And so they are transforming their daily lives. Like you mentioned of coming out of stress and just changing things to align that make them feel better. And I want to ask because you talk about all these different health things. So drinking from copper, you got your copper glasses, you even have your depression glasses that you're drinking from. And you're talking about the health benefits. So if there was one health practice that you have learned about and you do in your daily life now that you could continue on with only one, what would you choose?

The biggest one is connecting with nature. I mean, if I'm going to go with anything, I love to sit in nature, feed the chipmunks, feed the birds and everything else. But nature is important. We spend a lot of time on technology. We got devices that are people got devices attached to their heads and wrist things and all kinds of smartwatches and other kinds of nonsense that they don't need. But people are way too connected at times and they need to be connected with nature.

Nature is just sitting out there calling, waiting for people to be connected to it. And I would say spending time with nature is the best way to keep your mind sharp. You're connecting to the human resonance, the 7.83 cycles per second, which are very healing. And you're connecting to nature, which is very important because we need to pay attention. You know, we can sit here and I can tell you about all the crazy stuff with the weather and everything else. But if we also don't pay attention to the land and everything around us, then things begin to suffer. So, you know, I see that through my journey and spending a lot of time in the desert and doing a lot of hiking and being in nature, it's really just part of what keeps us moving. And we're, like I said, kind of disconnected with a lot of stuff because of all of the bombardments of notifications and pinging and all of those things.

So the best thing people are meant to do, go out into nature. You don't need any devices. Turn off all your notifications and sit there and spend some time in it and see how you feel. Because I guarantee you'll feel like a new person after you do that.

I completely agree with you. And I have a testament on that is when springtime comes around and the snow is not on the ground, when I barefoot ground, I'm outside on my homestead barefoot all like majority of the day. I sleep so good. I feel better. Like you mentioned, my mind's more sharp. So there is something with our energy and the earth's energy, just like you mentioned. So I would suggest to everybody like ground barefoot, like you mentioned with this disconnect with our phones and all this technology, I feel like it's purpose. Like they built in this disconnect system because it makes us sick and we really can't get back to our roots if we are not out making these active changes.

And so with all of these things that we have discussed and what you have going on on your social media, have you ever been censored?

So I've been deleted and censored multiple times. You know, my Instagram was deleted when I first put up an ad of all the professionals telling everybody to take the experimental shots, you know, during the whole 2020. I put all of the professionals side by side and I showed all of them saying the exact same thing because they were all reading a script. And when I did that, I also put together all the other times through the past, back to 1791, when they've been putting injections into people. And I showed all of those and I put it all in a timeline and my page was completely wiped at 70,000 followers.

And then TikTok, TikTok didn't like me too much because I was showing the benefits of borax.

I was talking about how sunscreen is dangerous. I was talking about how they're augmenting the weather and a lot of whole things related to how to heal and they didn't really like that. And then YouTube, I got taken down off of YouTube for talking about the solutions to the big C and then also related to diabetes and how diabetes is related to electricity and radio frequencies because it's cooking the pancreas. So all of those topics were dangerous according to the system. And every time I would back something, I always put the sources. I don't mind. I'll put, I'll give you the books, the PDFs, the documents, everything. I don't mind. I'll put everything out there.

So it's interesting because they were telling us 2020, you know, trust the science and that whole thing. But it's like you're picking and choosing. You're cherry-picking the information in which you want to present and not allowing the other side to show. So yeah, I've gone through quite a lot. That's why I started moving to Telegram and then even Twitter as well. I started moving over there and then Instagram got so crazy because I exposed the other side of World War II. And they actually threatened to remove my account at one time because I was talking about the documentary Europa, the Last Battle. And they were saying that that was hate speech.

And I sat there and thought, how does showing just another side of something be considered hate speech?

And that's the thing is when I was going through all of these things, we should have the right to see every side. Every angle should be allowed to be seen. And if they're censoring one side, it makes me wonder, I'm going to go get the other side. And so, yes, I've gone through my fair share of different types of censorship, even to a point when they censored my accounts on Instagram, my internet was being disabled and I couldn't log onto the internet.

And I actually had to call up my ISP and ask them, what's the deal?

And they said, we're not doing anything. We have no idea. And I sat and thought, oh wow, so this can go to a whole nother level of censorship in which I didn't even realize. And I was testing different devices. I was testing different cords, different everything, because I hardwire everything, still nothing. And I thought, wow, okay, this is another side of censorship in which we don't see. And it probably only happens once you strike a nerve in the truth. And that's what I guess I was doing. 

Wow. So that I, my mind is blown that they actually came for your internet. And I know some people may think you're a conspiracy theorist for saying that like, well, it's just coincidence. I absolutely know that you are speaking the truth. I would not put that past the system because like you're saying, you were striking a nerve. That is so just mind boggling and shows the extent that they will go to. I actually have a friend who was able to capture two suns on their old iPhone and they were doing that, taking pictures and videos. And then all of a sudden their phone just bricked, just gone.

Yep. So there really is no limit to silencing.

And like you're saying with, when we said with Google earlier, if one side is being censored, why what's going on? We have a right for truth. Don't you think?

No, I completely agree.

And even with my phone, you know, I can't, I can't just use like the data and use Instagram. It doesn't work. It just says there's no internet connection. The only way I can actually connect to Instagram is if I hardwire, which is what I do. But if I've ever tried before to try to use the data, it just says no Instagram connection or no internet connection. And this is where like people don't realize that they can do things with this.

Like these, these, these devices have back doors and back in, cause we were talking about it back in about 2017, me and my buddy used to have a whole bunch of conversations on the phone and our phones used to get turned off and they would be disabled for about an hour.

His phone would get shut off too. And we always used to make a joke about it because obviously there's something going on. Something is being said, and this is just a phone call. This isn't even, this is no social media. This is before I even made videos and everything else. This is just people having phone calls.
So, you know, people should be aware, like you said, that the access to these devices, there is a back door on these things and they can censor to a higher level. And there's even been friends I've had where even back during 2020, they were going after their bank accounts, you know, doing things with their bank accounts because they were telling people, don't put this stuff into your body. And then these, these banking systems, I forget which ones it was, but they were saying that that's going against their terms.

And it's like, how, how does this conversation over here go against your terms of finance on this side? And that's, you know, just things people should be aware of as well, because there's always the other side, you know, that's not talked about.

Oh, absolutely. I think people should be aware, like you're saying, the back door on the phone. I always operate my technology is like knowing that it could be accessed at any time. It could be shut down at any time, like to have that self-awareness. I feel like it's important to operate in 2025, if you're going to be using technology, but like...You just said that added layer of even affecting someone's bank account, people need to see that we live in a matrix system, really, like every aspect of our life is controlled. And that really starts with our birth certificate. That's a conversation for a whole nother day, but I can't even, well, I can.

So banking, were they like blocking their credit cards, that sort of thing?

They were blocking all access to their bank accounts. And then they were also blocking their ability to do any transactions on their website. So I believe it was Stripe. I think that was one of them. That was the one that they changed their policies back in 2020. So they were one of the ones that were saying that if you go against the policies, you can no longer have transactions done on your website based on our policies. And it's interesting too, because they're against a lot of health products, like just health products, like superfoods and things like you do with tallow and things like that as well, too. 

So, you know, this is where you sit there and go, oh, okay, well, then how does business take place? And what it does is it forces people into the crypto situation, which is another agenda. So you're now moving people, you're making it difficult on this side to force them into this crypto spot, and then they don't have any fees, but then now you're forcing them into that system. 

So, you know, it's yeah, when you get into the whole money situation, and it all dates back to the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, with the control over the Federal Reserve, you know, you see what plans are trying to take place. Now, there has become a lot of resistance on the other side, where people have opened up ways for people to do transactions, all different types of websites, all kinds of things. So I'm very thankful for that. But there was this little, I would say, rough patch, where they were trying a lot of things. But thankfully, humanity was against it. So that's, that's the good news.

That is good news.

And I guess, thinking about the bank issues with your friends and what censorship you've gone through, it's almost as if when you strike that nerve of money, right? Like, when I started talking about sunscreen, oh, I got banned on TikTok, I got fact-checked into oblivion. And what's so interesting is I went and checked the fact check, I was like, who's fact-checking me?

Like, what resources are they citing? Their sources were funded by Johnson and Johnson, who is like a huge sunscreen player. So it's so easy to follow the money. But I feel like people are so conditioned to trust science, right? So they don't look further past the goalposts, they're happy being in like a corral, they never look over the fence and say, hey, who's fact-checking over here. So when you start hitting that nerve, kind of sounds like you, your friends, they come for you. And they are not light about it. 

But in regards to the pharmaceutical industry, what is one of the most shocking things you've learned about the pharmaceutical industry?

So this is a big one. You know, every division under the medical system is all one. So it's all separated into different ones. So you have all these different types of professionals, you have all these different things like skin and hair, nails, whatever, whatever organs, it's all broken down into all these things. So you got all these specialists, you go into the hospital, you have all these specialists, you have all these different floors, each one's engaging in different things, then you have all these different subdivisions of those. And then you have the situation with the big C, the cancer, that one and that whole situation. And that's all owned by the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. And the most mind-blowing thing was what I read in Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins. And he talked about that they pay people to walk for the cure for cancer in these parades to get you involved to donate for the walk for the cure. So you're walking amongst people who are being paid to walk next to you so that you donate to a company, a big monopoly that already knows all the solutions, and they just don't give people solutions. But it was the most mind-blowing thing when I read that, because I thought, Oh my gosh, you know, all these protests that are always taking place, they pay people for protesting. So then you think about this and go, wow, this whole system. And when I broke it all down through Eustace Mullins' work, he said every single thing was all owned by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

So no matter what specialists, no matter who you go to this, you know, this doctor that whatever, that they're all owned under the same thing. And I sat there and thought, wow, it's the illusion of choice. You go to this different one, then you're like, Oh, I'm going to go to that other one. And you have this illusion of choice, but you're actually not having a choice because the only, you know, solution that they're giving you is going to poison you and make you worse over time so that you keep coming back until you're usually six feet into the ground.

So, you know, these two books, Secrets of the Federal Reserve and Murder by Injection, really blew my mind because I understood the control factor.

Like I understood that we can't, you know, talk about solutions and things like that. I understood all of that, but I didn't realize that it's been a monopoly since about 1913 and they've been just owning everything. And any person who gets approved into the medical system, they are owned pretty much. They have to go through a certain paperwork, they have to have certain amounts of, you know, of schooling, which is brainwashing them on pills and surgery and radiation. You know, it pretty much gets to this whole point where you go, well, then if you have only had four hours of nutrition and 10 years of school, how are you going to help me? And this is where my journey of waking up happened at 27 years old. 

I remember I went to this professional and I sat down with him and he was telling me that I was getting older. It was genetic and it was, you know, the whole getting older thing. And I started sitting there thinking, going, I'm 27 years old. What are you talking about? Like I should be healthy as an ox. There's no reason that it should be genetic and you're getting older and whatever. And so what I realized is that day, they just wanted to strike the insurance.

That's it. And my insurance was about to end, you know, because I had a really great insurance through my dad at that time. And they were just trying to swipe that. And it just kind of blew my mind. And I sat there and thought, you didn't give me any solutions. You just like poisoned me and tortured me and asked to do some weird procedures.

So, you know, I sat there and thought I'm over this. And then, then I started reading those books, you know, fast forward 10, 15 years later, reading the books and going, oh my gosh, you know, this is crazy. And that's what we have to be aware of. You know, we're being tricked. Like this whole system is tricking us to remove us from our natural connection. 

You can find Matt Roeske on

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