Gubba Homestead Tallow
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Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast! I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader folllowing in the footsteps of my homesteading forbears.

Today I’m going to be unveiling the healing benefits of tallow, the ultimate skincare product. I want to dive deep into the world of tallow, an age-old ingredient with incredible health benefits for your skin.

We'll discuss its origins, processing, the numerous ways it can nourish and rejuvenate your skin, its historical significance, and why it is the only skincare product I use. So, let's get started!

What is tallow? 

To begin, let's explore what tallow is and where it comes from. Tallow is a rendered form of animal fat, typically obtained from beef or sheep. The process involves melting the fat to separate the solids from the liquid, resulting in a semi-solid, creamy substance.

This substance has been used for centuries in various cultures for culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal purposes. Tallow is a versatile ingredient, utilized not only for skincare but also for cooking and candle making. In the culinary world, it has been a staple fat, prized for its ability to enhance flavors and provide a rich, creamy texture in various dishes. Additionally, tallow's use in candle making dates back centuries, known for producing long-lasting, clean-burning candles.

I personally use tallow for skincare, but I have used it to cook with. I have only used beef fat, not lamb, as beef is easier to access for me and cheaper for quality fat. I have cooked with it before, and I wouldn’t use it in something like scrambled eggs because it has a strong flavor, but I do use it if I want to fry something.

Like tonight, I am making tacos and I will fry the tortillas in tallow on my cast iron skillet. Using tallow to fry allows you to avoid toxic seed oils. Why use low quality toxic oils when you could use just straight beef fat? It’s what our great-grandparents did! They didn’t use machine lubricant. They used the animals that they raised in the fields around them.

What are benefits of tallow for skincare?

Tallow has a treasure trove of nutrients for the skin. It's abundant in vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

Vitamin A, for instance, is known for its skin-regenerating properties, helping to repair damaged tissues and promote a youthful complexion. It plays a crucial role in skin cell turnover, aiding in the healing of scars and blemishes.

I have personally noticed this on my face. After using only tallow for over a year, my skin tone has evened out. Skip the chemical filled garbage that offer claims to heal and rid of scars and blemishes. They are a knock-off of the original skin-healer—tallow!

Another element of tallow is Vitamin D, often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," which supports overall skin health and can aid in managing conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It also helps modulate the immune system and reduces inflammation, contributing to a healthy and radiant complexion.

Furthermore, tallow contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. These qualities can help combat acne, redness, and other skin irritations.

Tallow's fatty acid composition is remarkably similar to the structure of human skin, making it easily absorbed and compatible with our skin's natural oils.

I still remember learning about how tallow’s fatty acid composition is similar to ours and the more you use it, the better your skin gets and it absorbs more—im here to tell you that it’s true!

How to use tallow for skincare

Now, let's discuss the different ways you can incorporate tallow into your skincare routine to reap its wonderful benefits. Tallow can be used directly as a moisturizer, providing your skin with deep hydration and a healthy glow.

Its fatty acid profile, resembling that of our skin, allows for easy absorption, locking in moisture and preventing dryness. I put tallow on in the morning and my skin is generally good to go for the entire day!

If it is extra dry out like during winter, I may reapply in the evening. But a little goes a long way with tallow. A majority of moisturizers from the store have water in them so they actually dry out your skin making you use them more then buy them more after you have to use them all of the time.

For those who prefer a customized approach, tallow can also be blended with other natural ingredients like essential oils, herbs, or even shea butter to create nourishing balms or salves.

These formulations can target specific skin issues and cater to individual preferences, making it a versatile ingredient in skincare. I love to combine mine with essential oils because tallow has a smell that can be off putting to some users. It's mild but I don’t care for it that much.

I love to add in lavender and whatever else I have in my cabinet depending on my mood. I am in the middle of rendering beeswax and plan to mix it with my tallow to make lip balm as well.

Can you make tallow soap?

Tallow based soaps have gained popularity for their gentle cleansing properties. The natural fats in tallow create a luxurious lather that cleanses the skin without stripping it of its natural oils.

This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive or dry skin. You could even use it for a shampoo bar. I can't reiterate this enough, but I am not a fan of all of the chemicals in our body care items. I think the more minimal the better so we can allow our bodies to figure out what to do!

Where do you get tallow?

Be mindful of where you are getting your tallow from. When it comes to sourcing tallow, it's essential to prioritize high-quality, ethically sourced options.

Look for tallow derived from grass-fed, pasture-raised animals, as they offer the best nutritional profile. These animals live in natural, stress-free environments, resulting in a higher quality of fat that's rich in essential nutrients.

If you don’t have a tallow source, get beef or lamb fat and render it yourself. Melt it, strain it, melt it again for purity, strain it and there you go—you have tallow! And it lasts for up to a year stored in the fridge. Make sure you don’t get any moisture in it because it will cause it to go rancid.

History of tallow

Now, let's explore the historical significance of tallow in skincare. Tallow has been used for centuries by various ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, for its exceptional moisturizing and healing properties.

In ancient Egypt, tallow was combined with other natural ingredients to create creams and ointments to maintain youthful, radiant skin. The ancient Greeks recognized tallow's potential and used it as a base for their skincare concoctions.

Its compatibility with skin made it a sought-after ingredient in their beauty routines. Similarly, the Romans utilized tallow in their skincare rituals, valuing its ability to keep the skin supple and moisturized in the harsh Mediterranean climate.

During times when resources were scarce, tallow was an essential ingredient in creating candles, providing a source of light for countless households. The rendered fat was also used in cooking, adding flavor and nourishment to various dishes.

Tallow is amazing!

As we conclude this episode, it's evident that tallow is a potent natural ingredient with an array of benefits for the skin. From its rich nutrient profile to its compatibility with the skin's structure and its historical significance, tallow has stood the test of time as a skin-loving marvel.

I hope this episode has shed light on the incredible potential of tallow for your skincare routine. If you're interested in trying tallow-based skincare products, let your skin bask in the nourishing goodness of this ancient and remarkable substance.

Thank you for joining me today on "Natural Radiance: Unveiling the Power of Tallow for Your Skin." Until next time, take care and embrace the beauty of nature in every aspect of your life!

Happy Homesteading,



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