Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast!

I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forbears. In this podcast I discuss prepping, homesteading, and everything in between.

Today I am going to be discussing why I don’t wear sunscreen. When I share that I don’t wear sunscreen online, people lose their minds because we have been so trained to believe that sunscreen is necessary and protects us from cancer.

If it protected us from cancer, then why has the incidence of melanoma increased since the introduction of sunscreen? I love discussing this topic because it truly can be life-changing and transformative, but I understand people need a foundation to go off of. So let’s dive in.

Is sunscreen dangerous?

I stopped wearing sunscreen about three years ago. Before that, I was making my own mineral sunscreen with non-nano zinc oxide and a mix of oils. But once I fully deprogrammed myself, I stopped wearing sunscreen completely.

This may seem scary, but that is only because we have been trained to fear the sun.

Think about it. Commercials, friends, family, school health books, medical doctors, everyone is indoctrinated to fear the sun so by association, we do too. You may be thinking: “Well, if so many people believe it then it has to be true.” Or “There is evidence that the sun does cause cancer!”

For thousands of years, our ancestors were NOT lathering themselves in lab-made chemicals. Once sunscreen was introduced as a way to protect against cancer, incidence of melanomas actually increased. If sunscreen was actually doing what it advertised to be, it should see decreasing incidence of melanoma, but we aren’t.

When was sunscreen invented?

Sunscreens were introduced in the 1970s. You have to remember, the 1900s were an extremely pivotal and crucial time for the current system we live in.

Rockefeller came in and overtook the healthcare system which was, for thousands of years, led by herbs and had a holistic approach. Rockefeller funneled tons of his money into the medical system setting up schools and hospitals.

They set up gatekeepers and established a system where someone can only practice medicine if they have a license. If they have a license, and they think outside the system’s box, that license will be revoked. Licensure isn’t for our protection, this system was not set in place for our protection people.

It was set in place so the system, in this case Rockefeller, could rewrite medicine and gatekeep medicine. He funneled tons of money to medical schools and institutions with a western medicine focus.

He re-wrote our healthcare. Now, we have a system today that fails people and profits off of the sick. Once you see and understand this, you can start to deconstruct our food system and in this case, our sunscreen system.

While Rockefeller was destroying our medical system, propaganda campaigns were rolling out to convince our grandmas and great-grandmas that butter and animal fats were bad and to use margarine and vegetable oils instead.

Our food system became polluted. I genuinely feel sorry for our grandparents as they were hit with propaganda the hardest, fell for it, then our parents generation are probably the most indoctrinated of them all. So these lies have been trickling down family lines for the past century, but when you take a step back to see the big picture, you can understand what is going on when it comes to something like sunscreen.

The medical system and food system go hand in hand. So when you think about something like sunscreen. Why would you lather lab-made toxic chemicals, which are constantly recalled for causing cancer by the way, on your skin?

Sunscreen and the food you eat make you sick, not the sun.

Did you know that the chemicals found in sunscreen have not been fully researched prior to FDA approval in sun screens? We have just been lathering on mystery chemicals and almost guinea pigs in this sense. With knowing that, let’s dive in.

What are the ingredients in sunscreen?

Let's begin by dissecting the ingredients commonly found in sunscreen.

Traditional sunscreens often rely on chemical filters like oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, and octinoxate as their star ingredients to “protect” you from the sun and UV radiation.

I would like to note that even when it comes to food, if the words are difficult to pronounce, seem funky and like they are made in a lab then my general rule is to avoid, avoid, AVOID.

Oxybenzone or BP-3, in particular, has come under scrutiny for its hormone-disrupting properties. Research has found that oxybenzone mimics estrogen in the body, leading to hormonal imbalances and reproductive issues.

We live in a time when our hormones are under constant attack. That’s a conspiracy for another day, but think about it. Speaking as a woman, when I was a teenager and went to the doctor about my skin, the first suggestion was to put me on hormone-altering medication aka birth control.

I didn’t think twice and neither did anyone around me because all of my friends were already on it. I still remember being at the lockers my freshman or 9th grade year and my friend saying how she took five at once because she was behind and got sick.

Like why, as young girls, were we taking medication that drastically changed our hormones and brain chemistry?

I find it interesting to look back at the time in my life and after I got on birth control, my emotions spiraled and with what I know now, I do believe birth control had its role to play in that with a young teenage girl being put on a toxic medication as such.

With all of this being said, we don’t need another element like sunscreen impacting our hormones. The water we drink is affecting our hormones as well.

Additionally, people have been concerned about oxybenzone's environmental impact, with studies linking it to coral bleaching and reef destruction.

So if it’s killing the environment, what is it doing to you?

I try my best to move in similitude with nature and if something is destructive and toxic to nature, I can only assume it will be to me too.

Are the ingredients in sunscreen safe?

But oxybenzone is just one piece of the puzzle. Other chemical filters like octinoxate and octocrylene also have an impact on our health and the environment.

These chemicals have been found to accumulate in the body and the environment, with long term consequences that are still being studied. Side note here, I take all studies with a grain of salt. There are places that can be paid to get any sort of results the payee wants or needs and those works will be published.

Who funds what?

My crystal clear glasses are understanding that everything runs on money. Last time I discussed this, someone sent me a “study” on how sunscreen doesn’t cause cancer and it was a mainstream news report. No wonder we are in such muddy waters with our health and truth if people think mainstream news articles are studies.

Again, discern for yourself but like I mentioned earlier when you take a step back to see the whole picture of the attack on our health, it makes sense they would want us to lather ourselves in toxic chemicals right?

I wonder if the people who follow the news also saw the news around 2021-2022 when scientists were petitioning the FDA to take certain sunscreens off the shelf because they have carcinogens like octocrylene that cause reproductive harm. Sometimes things do boil to the surface when people are making a stink about it and it cant be hidden anymore.

What is octinoxate? What is octocrylene?

Studies have found that octinoxate and octocrylene disrupt endocrine function and hormone balance in the body. So more chemicals to harm us and our bodies.

These chemicals have been shown to mimic estrogen. By interfering with hormone signaling pathways, octinoxate and octocrylene can disrupt the balance of our hormones. So imagine if just this handful of chemicals is wreaking havoc on our hormones, imagine what the concoction of chemicals in sunscreen does to use. I’m sure there will never be a definitive study done on it, and if there is it will be hidden on the search engines.

Can you be allergic to sunscreen?

Studies have suggested that these chemicals may trigger allergic reactions and skin sensitivities, leading to skin issues such as contact dermatitis and allergic dermatitis. Skin problems are dramatically on the rise and guess what your dermatologist will do?

They will prescribe you more drugs to take, more steroid creams to put on, and give you samples to their latest skincare sponsor. I would guess fewer than 1% would ask “Do you use sunscreen daily?” “What kind do you use?” or “What is your diet like?” Most dermotologists will promote sunscreen use. Where did they go to school? Oh, Rockefeller gatekeeping centers, got it.

Does sunscreen cause cancer?

There are emerging concerns about the potential cancer-causing properties of octinoxate and octocrylene. Some studies have suggested a possible link between these chemical filters and an increased risk of certain types of cancer, including skin cancer and hormone-related cancers. Which makes sense, if they are mimicking our hormones and causing our system to get out of wack, like of course cancer is going to happen.

Like, why would we wear something to protect ourselves from cancer that causes cancer? This seems counter-intuitive to me, what about you?

Is sunscreen dangerous for the environment?

Beyond their impact on human health, octinoxate and octocrylene also pose environmental risks. These chemicals have been detected in water bodies, soil, and marine ecosystems. Once in the environment, octinoxate and octocrylene can disrupt aquatic ecosystems, affecting marine organisms and harming coral reefs and other sensitive ecosystems.

Again, if the chemicals in your sunscreen are harming the environment, what are they doing to you?

Does sunscreen cause vitamin D deficiency?

Another controversy surrounding sunscreen is its role in vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is synthesized in the skin in response to UVB radiation from the sun, and sunscreen blocks UVB rays, which will reduce your vitamin D production. Society is severely vitamin D deficient.

A lack of vitamin D leads to weak and brittle bones, muscle weakness and pain, immobility problems, impaired immune function, fatigue and low energy, and a variety of mood disorders. Isn’t it crazy that just a few years ago they told us to stay indoors and not leave our house?

The sun is a source of life and healing, so no wonder we are told to avoid it or coat ourselves in chemicals when we are in it. If we figure out the truth to healing ourselves, they won’t be able to generate money off of us. We become free.

Does sunscreen damage your cells?

Furthermore, concerns have been raised about the potential health risks associated with sunscreen chemicals when they interact with sunlight. Some studies suggest that certain sunscreen ingredients, particularly when exposed to UV radiation, may generate free radicals and other reactive species that could damage the skin and increase the risk of cancer.

Let’s dive into this a bit. As if it wasn’t bad enough to have chemicals in sunscreen causing hormonal harm, these chemicals can react with the light and cause even more damage to our bodies.

One study, published in the journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, investigated the potential for sunscreen chemicals to generate free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) when exposed to UV radiation.

Free radicals and ROS are highly reactive molecules that cause cellular damage with DNA, proteins, and lipids, potentially leading to oxidative stress and cellular dysfunction.

The study examined the photostability of various sunscreen ingredients, including oxybenzone, octinoxate, and avobenzone, under simulated sunlight conditions. The researchers found that some sunscreen chemicals, particularly oxybenzone, exhibited photodegradation when exposed to UV radiation, leading to the formation of free radicals and ROS.

Does sunscreen protect you from cancer?

Other studies have suggested that certain sunscreen ingredients, such as oxybenzone and octocrylene, may undergo photodegradation in the presence of UV radiation, producing harmful byproducts that could potentially damage the skin and increase the risk of cancer. You’re telling me right now that the cream that is supposed to protect me from the sun and cancer, actually reacts with the sun to cause cancer? That is literally insane.

How do you naturally protect yourself from the sun or skin cancer?

Now that we know sunscreen is toxic goop and is marketed as a savior, what are better options to protect yourself from the sun? If you think about it, our ancestors didn’t use any sunscreen. Here is some ways you can embrace the sun, sunscreen free, like your ancestors:

  1. Build up your sun tolerance. When the sun starts to come around in the spring again, go out for little bits each day and slowly increase your exposure to the sun. Doing this will bring melanin to the surface of your skin and help build up a protective barrier.
  2. Wear light clothing like linen or organic cotton in the sun and sun hats. If you are still building up your sun exposure, shield yourself with quality materials.
  3. Eat a diet high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are what will help protect your skin’s surface when you are enduring UV radiation from the sun. The radiation causes oxidation so the antioxidants are what help keep things in control. I find it interesting that foods like berries that are high in anti-oxidants are in abundance during the summer months. Almost as if it was created that way. Leafy greens, tomato paste, and brightly colored fruits should be your go to.
  4. Stop eating seed oils. I and many others have noticed that not eating seed oils has been beneficial for our skin and has also lessened the incidence of sunburns. I know this sounds crazy because seed oils are common and in every food. It is almost impossible to eat out because of seed oils. Trust me on this one. 

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this podcast. I hope you found it informative and are able to see sunscreen for the façade that it is. Once you start learning the truth, you will be better equipped to nourish your body. I hope you have a good day! Until next time, bye!

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