I said I wouldn’t do it….but I did: I made another order from Azure Standard! LOL!
After last month’s massive haul, I said I wouldn’t need anything for a while. And although that is technically true, items just happened to "slip into" my shopping cart recently, but I didn’t go as crazy this time and I focused on nonfood categories like personal care products.
What is Azure Standard?
Azure Standard is an online store for groceries, personal care items, books, and more. They offer bulk items (more cost-effective) and many GMO-free and organic grocery products—woo-hoo!
How does Azure Standard work?
You add items to your cart for a month, and at the end of the month, your items ship and are dropped at a local “drop-point” of your choosing. It could be someone’s house or a public park and there's a “drop-coordinator” who helps and answers questions about your specific drop.
What is Azure Cash?
It's sort of like a loyalty program. You accumulate credit for purchases. For example, on my last Azure Standard haul, I received a credit of $14.43! Pretty dang neat. Credits apply to your next order and expire after a certain time period. Who doesn’t love to get paid for shopping?
How do returns work on Azure Standard?
The return process varies by item and you must report a return within a few days of receiving the item. When I returned some Gamma Lids, they gave me a return number to put on the box, and I gave it to the driver at the next drop off. So far, the return process has been simple and I've enjoyed working with their customer service!
My item wasn’t at my Azure Standard drop-off, now what?
This happened to me. For some reason it did not show up, but Azure immediately credited my account. This made the process easy. I love companies that are easy to work with!
Are non-food products loaded with unhealthy ingredients?
Our personal care items also have toxics. Ugh, why is it so difficult navigating health in this world? The industry’s main focus is money and our focus is health, so we don’t meet. They don’t even meet us in the middle, either. Approaching the world with this knowledge helps me better choose what I put in my body and on my body.
People tend to blame Capitalism for the world's evils, squawking the same mantra over and over and over. Instead of blaming others, we should take charge of our health. For example, grow food in a local community garden and throw away all toxic non-stick pans. Opt out of the traditional “system” and put your money elsewhere. Money talks, so make a change by spending wisely. Don’t pity yourself and obsess over the weirdness of the world. Instead, learn and take accountability!
This time around, I ordered:
Azure Market Organics Vinegar, Raw Apple Cider, Organic - 16 fl oz - $7.69
Earthlandia Deodorant Stick, Vanilla Lavendar – 2.56oz - $10.90
Azure Market Product, Lemons, Organic – 2lb - $6
Azure Market Chili Powder, Medium – 1lb - $6.88
Azure Market Cumin Seed Powder – 1lb - $7.65
Natracare Feminine Products Panty liners, Regular pads, Tampons- $3.05, $5.08, $6.12
Lakewood Organic Juices Beet Juice, Pure, Organic – 32floz - $7.69
Earthlandia Tooth Powder, Cinnamon Clove – 1.5oz - $11.70
Jovial Foods Crackers, Rosemary, Sourdough Einkorn, Organic – 10 x 4.5oz $31.98
Total: $100.05
Azure Cash credit: $14.43
Credit from lost item from January: $26.97
February Haul total paid: $58.65
Without the credit for the lost item, I would have paid $85.57. I'm happy with this total for the quality I received! These products are new to me except the apple cider vinegar, lemons, and sourdough crackers. I have not used these kinds of deodorant, tooth powder, or feminine products. I also have not had this juice (which was delicious) or these specific spices.
I wanted to try this natural deodorant. I hate store bought deodorant. Have you seen the Ingredient Label on a typical deodorant? Antiperspirants use aluminum to stop your pores from releasing sweat. What’s the danger of aluminum? I’ll let you research yourself. Recently, Old Spice did a recall on some Antiperspirants for benzene. https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/pg-issues-voluntary-recall-specific-old-spice-and-secret-aerosol-spray-antiperspirants-and-old-spice
I don’t want any part of this market.
The deodorant I ordered from Azure has coconut, essential oils, and beeswax—much friendlier to my body! I don’t worry about cancer-causing benzene.
Tooth powder can be used with people who have sensitive teeth and gums—like me. I suspect my sensitivities are from years of vegetarianism, so I hope they subside soon now that I am eating meat. Tooth powder is a natural abrasive made with clay, baking soda, and essential oils. The best part: no fluoride! Fluoride is NOT necessary for dental health. It can be effective topically on your teeth, but what other damage does it do?
I don’t want any part of that system either!
I love Azure because it gives me an easy opportunity to try things I normally wouldn’t. I can browse products and order from the comfort of my couch, and then pick up my order when the month ends. I don’t scurry around isles of people at the store trying to get what I need!