Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast. I’m Gubba a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forebears. I discuss prepping, homesteading, food storage and everything in between.Today is kind of an in between because it is all about chickens and how to have and maintain a backyard flock. Chickens are ...

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Want Backyard Chickens? This Is For You!

Do you want to get into beekeeping? I have two beehives on the homestead, and I love the joy that they bring me. Sitting by them, watching them buzz about foraging the wild flowers creates a peaceful environment for me to relax in.How do you build a bench for beehives?Before my bee hive families arrived, ...

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DIY Beehive Stand

Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast. I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forbears. I discuss homesteading, prepping, and everything in between. Today I want to discuss what it means to homestead and how you can homestead from anywhere. Check out my weekly episode to join the ...

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How To Homestead From Anywhere

Do you like sourdough? Do you like dinner rolls? I present to you:Sourdough Dinner RollsThese are the fluffiest and softest dinner rolls I have ever made. I think it may have to do with the sourdough fermenting the flour overnight that brought the fluffiness to another level. Seriously, you won’t believe how soft and absolutely ...

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Homemade Sourdough Dinner Rolls

Hello and welcome back to the Gubba podcast! My name is Gubba. I’m a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forbears and on this podcast we talk about everything prepping, homesteading, and food storage. Today I want to talk about bug out bags. Why you should have one and what to ...

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Building a Bug Out Bag