Welcome back to the Gubba Podcast! I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forebears. Today’s episode will be a little different than the others. I am going to tell you a little bit about myself and updates around the homestead. I realize I haven’t don’t that really on this ...

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The Gubba Homestead Update

I have two new families joining me on the homestead this spring, and I have been rushing to get their homes built so they can have a comfortable landing. Not only have I been building their homes, I have also been constructing a safe area for their homes to be placed—protected from predators.I would like ...

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How To Start Beekeeping

H​i there, and welcome back to the Gubba Homestead Podcast! I’m Gubba, a first time homesteader following in the footsteps of my homesteading forebears. And today i wanted to talk to you about everything you need to know about canning. I’ve been doing a lot of canning lately with summer coming up, and I figured ...

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Everything You Need To Know About Canning

If you have chickens or other barnyard animals, you have probably heard:“DON’T USE HEAT LAMPS, THEY ARE DANGEROUS AND A FIRE HAZARD!”I heard this. I read it. And I still used a heat lamp in the chicken coop. In my chicken coop tour video, I even mentioned that I probably won’t use the heat lamps ...

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How To Safely Heat Your Chicken Coop

Hey there, it’s Gubba and welcome back to the Gubba podcast! This podcast addresses topics like homesteading, prepping, food storage, and everything in between. Today I want to share with you what I’m doing right now to get prepared in hopes that you can think about your individual situation, assess your needs, and start preparing ...

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What To Prepare For