To truly enjoy the holidays, you must taste the holidays.I have the perfect recipe to bring cheer into your life: Glazed Cranberry Orange Bread. This cranberry orange bread is moist, dense, and delicious! If you somehow thought this tasty dessert bread can't get any better, it's also topped with a sweet orange glaze that covers ...

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Glazed Cranberry Orange Bread

Be sure to use my Azure Standard referral link to sign up! If you use my link, you help support me while obtaining healthy and beneficial foods for you and your family.So you’ve seen the wacky news headlines of food shortages or you have gone to the store and seen the empty shelves firsthand and ...

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How To Build a Long Term Food Storage

Fewer daylight hours means less time to work but it doesn't have to mean less productivity—at least for me! Winter weather brings an opportunity to focus more on indoor chores. The cold temperatures and windy mornings keep me inside after I complete my daily outdoor duties, like caring for the dogs and gathering wood.Did you ...

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Basement Disaster KonMari Method Cleanup

After living on the Gubba Homestead for two months, I've created a must-haves list of kitchen essentials, and these work for most home cooking kitchens. Because the closest restaurant is 22 miles away, I cook all my meals now! There's so much to do here—just to keep the farm running smoothly—so it's crucial that I ...

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Homestead Kitchen Essentials

Time flies when life is fun… or when working on a homestead? Two months have passed since I made the life-changing decision to move here! Although it doesn’t feel like it yet, I've made significant improvements to this old farmhouse and the surrounding land, like the garden for example. I’m still learning how to manage ...

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My Homestead Update