Rumor has it that Napoleon Bonaparte, after coming to power, realized the recent revolution was largely due to a lack of bread. Apparently, speculation in the commodity markets, including grain and wheat, led to a quick rise in the price of flour: bread was so expensive that only the rich could afford to eat. Stomachs ...

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The BEST Homemade French Bread

Are you ready for HEALTHY mac and cheese? It’s a bewildering question:“How the heck can mac and cheese be healthy, Gubba?”Well, let me walk you through how I composed such a dish. First, let me be clear: this recipe is vegan and the “cheese” sauce is crafted from cooked vegetables and seasoned to perfection with spices ...

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Healthy Vegan Mac and Cheese

I don’t watch the Super Bowl, but I love Super Bowl snack food! This year I spiced up the tired old cord dip recipe and made Cream Cheese Rotel Corn Dip… YUM!Who wants to suffer through a bland easy corn dip recipe when they can mix all these robust flavors into a single scrumptilicious dip?!Nothing starts ...

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Cream Cheese Rotel Corn Dip

As we emerged from the 2020 Corona pandemic, many of us realized our pantries were over-stocked with canned-goods. Let me teach you how to make the perfect homemade tomato soup using ingredients you may already have in your pantry or freezer! This meal is a favorite throw-together comfort food. 2020 brought at least one good thing: this ...

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Best Tomato Soup Recipe Ever

A bright RED HEART is the symbol of Valentine’s Day. The color signifies passion, and the heart is traditionally the source of love, so let’s don our Valentine’s Day aprons and beat it into the kitchen to celebrate our special valentine with a tasty treat: Valentine Smoothie Delight.This simple recipe shows your lover you are thinking ...

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Valentine Smoothie Delight