Homesteading (as of late) has become romanticized. It conjures images of people walking through flower-filled meadows without a care, eating homegrown fruit and vegetables, and drinking from crystal clear mountain creeks—but that's not always the case. Homesteading can provide a simple life allowing you to become self-sufficient, but it may not be easy. Hard work ...

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Five Tips When Buying Your Homestead Property

If you think mash potatoes are good, then you are going to die over these easy and delicious Funeral Potatoes (also called cheesy potatoes.) Mash potatoes are great and a staple for large celebratory dinners, but only because they don’t take as long as Funeral Potatoes. Funeral Potatoes are the perfect hot side dish for ...

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Famous Funeral Potatoes

It’s winter, the temperature is dropping, and snow is accumulating on the ground. This season signals Chili Time! Not just Chili Time, but Crockpot Chili Time!There's no other experience in the culinary universe quite like tossing ingredients into a crockpot to stew all day, then enjoying a nice hearty meal in the evening. As the ...

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Pumpkin Black Bean Crockpot Chili

Do you know there are two methods to can food? Water bath canning and pressure canning. Water bath canning is common for jams and high acid foods. Pressure canning is used for low acid foods like most vegetables. If you are new to canning, start with water bath canning to get familiar with canning basics.Today I'm ...

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How To Can Homemade Cranberry Juice

Be sure to use my Azure Standard referral link to sign up! If you use my link, you help support me while obtaining healthy and beneficial foods for you and your family.Azure Standard is a great place to buy groceries. According to their website they are a family owned, independent company dedicated to providing high quality ...

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Azure Standard Grocery Haul For Prepping & Being Prepared On The Homestead