It isn’t traditional to drink it year-round, but I just might do that with this new homemade eggnog recipe!This recipe yields creamy, tasty eggnog. You won’t buy eggnog at the store anymore—I don’t! I love how creamy this eggnog turns out. I was worried the mixture wouldn’t thicken, but to my surprise it thickened a ...

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The Best Homemade Eggnog Recipe

The Christmas season is upon us! One of my favorite activities during the holidays is decorating: hauling in my Christmas totes from the garage, constructing awesome decorations, and driving around to admire the décor of others’—I love the joy and light these activities bring into my life. Decorating doesn’t have to be expensive and cumbersome!You ...

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DIY Christmas Decoration Ideas

Food storage has been a popular topic since Covid-19 creeped into our lives in 2020. It seems everyone encountered empty shelves and panic at the store. My local stores were chaotic as frantic shoppers lined up cart to cart, ramming each other and fighting for that last bag of dried kidney beans (beans they likely ...

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My Homestead Pantry Tour

Before arriving at the homestead, I had no inkling of the learning curves I would face here. My first challenge involved the heating system.Several days after moving in, a cold front slapped the region, blanketing the mountains and hills with snow. Visions of my previous heating system crowded my thoughts as I searched in vain ...

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What You Need For A Wood Stove

Do you like Sloppy Joes?They never appealed to me and I didn’t like them with meat. The word “sloppy” also seems unappealing, so I avoided them altogether—until I made the perfect vegetarian sloppy joes. They are far more delicious than meat sloppy joes!This is one of my favorite dinner recipes; it’s simple and tasty. Lentils ...

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Meatless Sloppy Joes