Waking up the other day, I realized the record heat wave had finally receded and a hint of fall was in the air. I typically would never start a blog article by chatting about the weather, Ho Hum, but it’s appropriate for this one about prepping for a grid-crash, SHTF etc.So ZAP your hot chocolate ...

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Best Heater for the Apocalypse

Are you ready for a tasty stir fry recipe?I mixed up this yummy stir fry last week while throwing together food from my pantry and it turned out delicious! I hadn’t been to the grocery store in a bit, and I was freakin’ hungry. I had rice, various vegetables, eggs, and a variety of seasonings. ...

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Sticky Rice Recipe Stir Fry

I assume everyone has eaten a chocolate chip cookie in their life: traditional chocolate chip cookies, Disneyland chocolate chip cookies, dairy-free chocolate chip cookies, etc…. but have you ever had sourdough chocolate chip cookies?Sourdough bread is made with starter. To properly maintain the sourdough starter, you must “feed” it once a week. I feed mine ...

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Sourdough Cookies Choco Chip

I made the MOST DELICIOUS salad, so let me share this tasty Asian salad recipe with you. The secret is in the sauce, literally. I’m not a salad person because they seem bland and I’d rather eat something like my cast iron skillet pizza, but this salad has become a weekly go-to for me. Not ...

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Healthy & Delicious Asian Salad

Recently, I became obsessed with filling my home with natural ingredients instead of the harsh chemicals found in everyday products. My most recent project was homemade laundry detergent, which works wonders to keep my clothes fresh and clean. Common household cleaners like dusting spray or toilet scrub are riddled with nasty chemicals that irritate the skin ...

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Essential Oils Cleaner Homemade DIY