As the Covid Pandemic fades into the history books, I'm tormented by the following question:Will we ever return to Normal?And this makes me wonder exactly what "Normal" is. Mine is different than yours I'm sure, and everyone probably has a different version, but my Normal includes not gasping for air in some hospital with a ...

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Homesteading For The Next Global Disaster

This past week on the Gubba Homestead, the sun was shining, the breeze cool, and the air filled with the aroma of newly-sprung blossoms. I stepped outside onto the paver deck, plopped into a patio chair, and closed my eyes to revel in a bit of Heaven-on-Earth.As I daydreamed about times of old, my Homestead ...

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10 Survival Uses Of Duct Tape

So you have a copious abundance of eggs crowding your fridge, and you’re wondering how you can preserve the eggs before they go bad causing a stinking mess.Well, let me introduce you to an easy way to store and preserve eggs: pickling.I ran into a similar problem recently on the Gubba Homestead where I was ...

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Kansas Award-Winning Pickled Eggs

So you built a raised garden bed and now you’re wondering how the heck to fill it!Not only did you build an easy raised garden bed, but you followed my instructions on how to build a DIY raised garden bed, so the dimensions are: 8ft long by 4ft wide x 28in tall garden bed—pretty dang big!Back in ...

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How To Fill A Raised Garden Bed

With the world crashing around us, and a global pandemic raging through society, and the dystopian novel 1984 seemingly unfolding before our eyes, it’s time to sit back and enjoy a savory slice of cast iron pizza!I recently purchased a 12 inch cast iron pan and I’m learning how to cook with it. My grandma swore by cast iron ...

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Easy Cast Iron Pizza