If you love easy dinner recipes, then this one’s for you:Baked Skillet Cheesy Eggs and PotatoesYUM! I constantly try to utilize all my produce in the kitchen, so it doesn’t go to waste. In summertime, my fridge is full of produce I incorporate into one recipe or another.I purchased a cast iron skillet this spring and I ...

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Cheesy Eggs and Potatoes Baked Skillet Recipe

Have you ever indulged in a warm slice of zucchini bread with butter melted on top?YUM! I actually prefer zucchini bread over banana bread, and I have the best zucchini bread recipe to share with you—straight from the garden. I don’t have zucchini growing in my backyard garden. I have strawberries and tomatoes (Learn how to ...

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Easy Zucchini Bread Recipe

It’s summer, and we recently had a record-breaking heat wave that swept the nation and seems to be sweeping the world. Temperatures are higher than normal (at least in my area) and heat drains the body of energy.So, how do you escape the heat?I have a few suggestions on how to keep your house cool ...

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6 Easy Alternatives to Air Conditioning

Summertime is smoothie-time! With the heat taxing my mind and body, I cool down with homemade kefir smoothies every night! If you don’t know what kefir is, it’s fermented milk you can make at home. I wrote a blog about how to make it and the health benefits.I start off every day by making a new ...

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Kefir Smoothie The Best Fruit Smoothie

Craving something fresh and light for a summer dinner or a quick recipe for Taco Tuesday?Let me share one of my favorite vegetarian taco recipes! I regularly make sweet potato and black bean vegetarian tacos because they’re tasty and simple to make! This meal is all vegetarian, so if you need tacos with meat, grill ...

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Vegetarian Tacos Recipe Sweet Potato and Black Beans