Nothing takes me back to my childhood like a grilled cheese sandwich! Those long hot summers shooting hoops in the cul-de-sac with the neighbor kids. It was great to come inside and find my mom making me a grilled cheese sandwich! They were magic because they tasted different every time she made them, and every time ...

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Better Than Disneyland Grilled Cheese

I don’t know about you, but I love granola! Making your own granola will be the best decision you make today. Granola is easy to make, and you can customize it to your preferred perfection! For this recipe, all you need is one bowl and common pantry ingredients. So instead of running to the store to grab ...

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Easy and Healthy Homemade Granola

Envision cold winter days and home cooked meals. When you come in from outside, your hands are cold and your cheeks are about to freeze from frostbite. The wind is whipping by the house, and the snow is drifting aimlessly about the yard. It’s not a time to go out for dinner. No. It’s better to ...

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Savory Chicken Soup

Your mouth is watering for Mexican delicacies, but when a pandemic is raging across the planet, it might not be a fiesta venturing out to eat. Many restaurants are closed or have restrictions, and you may not live near Mexico where you can sprint across the border to gobble a few tacos!But you savor those ocean-scene ...

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The BEST Chicken Tacos Recipe

Have you ever been to a high-end Italian restaurant, and you look in the back kitchen where the cooks—all wearing white hats (called a toque)—are busily preparing meals for the patrons while the waiters dash between tables with wine and bread?Every now and then an Italian voice reaches your ears. The mandolins and guitars strum ...

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Toasty Cheesy Garlic Bread